
giovedì 2 maggio 2013

Diary Notes, by Renato                                                      

Connecting Generation – CONGENIAL

Third meeting -  Bucharest, Romania – 18 th-20th April 2013

17 April – Arriving in the Capitol Hotel we found ladies waiting for us: the first welcome was friendly and prudent. I seem to remember Octavia was in first line! I did not get well what experience was going to start.

Phd. Octavia Costea, Professor of Educational Sciences Faculty
Two hours later we, Valentina Silvia Giovanna and me (Renato), were going out with Dionisya and Stamatis around city-centre: Greek and Italian walking together as hold friend (congenial, isn’t it?).

 Round and round, then Cara Cu Bere housed us; fine bear, lovely dishes, pleasant entertainment.

And the day after went.  18 April. Meeting in Hotel Capitol hall at 8.30h. Seven women more: Turkish delegation ( Ayça, Filiz, Melahat,Ayşegül,Sema, Fatma,Hanife).

By mini busses to the Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir. We were welcomed at the gate of University building by PhD Gabriela Pohoatӑ, Dean of the faculty of educational Sciences. She illustrated every thing, floor after floor, room after room, activity after activity, symbol after symbol, … all about story, strategy, personal philosophy  and organization’s mission and vision. 

Valentina, Silvia, Giovanna and me wrote about our first impressions then: “competence, quiet, precision, taking care of people, good leadership, intercultural philosophy”.  

10 h: Welcome speech and first project meeting.  

After oneself introductions, start the debut of European experience of social dimension through our visit to Paideia Club in Kindergartens and schools,  we met pupils, girls and boys, grandparents, parents, adults and teachers producing  educational and laboratorial activities in the sense and awareness of connecting generations.          

Strop de rouӑ – Ghimpatt, Giorgiu country.     Intergenerational laboratories.

Show of good practices in act. Common spaces of interaction between generations trough non formal education.

At the end of the first day my impression was of a clear planning of the activities in Congenial project; the information received was good, significant were the meetings in the Paideia Club’ three stages. You couldn’t not to understand, the sense of timing was perfect producing hard information: we entered in classroom or hall and all stage  was in action, busy in laboratory/ready to recital. 

Creating common spaces of interaction between
generations trough non formal education.

Each coordinator showed   an appropriate competence in stage management and good   communication. We participants had the opportunity to delight  experience as leafing through a document.

Then Valentina, Silvia, Giovanna and me wrote about: “sense of good practice, good leadership, sense of hierarchy between pairs”.

Young and senior people together: in search of a sense of belonging

 an ancient dance 
(Octavia and Giovanna learn, granmothers teach ) 

(.... to be continuing ....)

 visiting in Giorgiu country
(Renato, Silvia, Valentina, Octavia, ........ (help!))

19 April. 10 – 12h - Participation  in international Conference Education in the Future, public panel. 

Conferinta internationala ,,Educatia in viitor”, organizata de Facultatea de Stiinte ale Educatiei din cadrul Universitatii Crestine Dimitrie Cantemir din Bucuresti                  
Phd. Gabriela Pohoata, Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences
Phd.Corina Adriana Dimitrescu, Rector of DCCU

2013 April 19 – Plenary Session - speech of  Renato luti – Academic Coordinator of CTP for adult education in Castelnuovo di Garfagnana (LU) – Italy –Member of the Board of Edaforum, Florence, Italy –
clic on link below

  (qui ci saranno foto e video)

 After 12h - Continuing on the Paideia Club stage: kindergarten and school in Colegiul German Goethe.

In the night walking and visiting old centre of Bucharest .

Third work day. 20 April. Work-shop   in Cantemir University. Intergenerational Culture:  Curriculum, Metodology, Indicators.

The Romanian host, leading Octavia,  showed their scheduling document for Congenial activities by Paideia Club; the guest,  participant from TR, GR & I, were involved on the upgrade of evaluation indicators especially.

In my imagination I draw that I have understood:

  .... it's time to say goodbye


Guesting: Grecia/Ελλάδα/Greece -   by Dionysia Papadopoulou & Stamatis Skabardonis on the GRUNDTVIG meeting in BUCHAREST/ROMANIA  (17-21 April, 2013) 

... to be continuing

bye bye for now 

Re senza corona

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